Young People, Parents and Carers

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Young People

We can help so come and talk to us

Young people are affected by many different health problems involving the body or mind.

We know that young people may not be used to coming to the surgery to see a Doctor or Nurse and may feel worried or nervous.


Will we tell anyone about your visit?

Our service is strictly confidential, which means we will not tell anyone about your health information without your permission, even if you are under 16 years old. However, if we felt that you or someone else could be in danger, then we may have to share information, but we would talk to you about that first.

How old do I have to be to come alone?

You can be seen alone, even if you are under the age of 16 but you need to be able to give consent.

What does 'give consent' mean?

Consent is about giving permission for whatever may happen in an appointment, such as an examination, tests or treatment.  To give consent you must be able to fully understand what is taking place and the explanation from the person you see should help you to understand.

From the age of 16 years old, in law, most young people are old enough to fully consent to their own healthcare decisions (this may be different if a person has a problem understanding).

Under the age of 16 years old, if you are able to understand, then you are also able to give consent.


How to make an appointment

You can make an appointment by calling the practice or popping in to reception. 

You can also book your appointment online - just ask at reception. (You will need some ID -  proof of address and photo ID to sign up for this service).

We offer appointments at a wide range of times throughout the day. 

We try to book you with your named doctor if possible, this is so you can get to know each other which is helpful for ongoing problems. 

You may be offered an appointment with an Advanced Nurse Practitioner whose role is like a GP and can help you with most things.

If your problem is urgent then tell the receptionist. Be careful to make a note of the time.  Make sure we have your mobile number, then we can send you a text message reminder of your appointment time.

What to expect

Appointments are 10 minutes long and for 1 problem; double appointments are available if you have more than 1 problem, or feel you might need longer to talk.

We try to run to appointment times but sometimes situations arise that make us run late, sometimes up to 30-minute delays. 

If you find this stressful, try to book one of the earlier appointments at the beginning of a morning or afternoon surgery, or be prepared that you may have to wait.

Health information for young people & carers

Adolescence can be a period of challenge for many young people and as carers, we acknowledge that there will be times when you have questions and need some support. 

We are available to support you with advice.

The following information is especially relevant to carers of young people.

Mind - Mental Health

Research tells us that mental health problems amongst young people are increasing and it is very common. We are very happy to see you to discuss any problems mental or physical, in fact it is estimated that 1 in 3 consultations with a young person are related to a mental health problem.

There are a huge range of materials to help you understand certain symptoms which may also help you to manage them.

The Young Listeners Project - Healthwatch Dorset

Young people who live in Dorset have become volunteer Young Listeners to find out what young people think about the health and social care services they use and what changes they would like to see.

Visit the Young Listeners web page

Special thanks to Joe and Ruby Hedges for designing the 'Young People' logo and thank you to the Young People from Weymouth College for their advice which helped create this area of the website.